Wednesday, October 17, 2012

C# JSON to Javascript object – The camelcase issue


Today I saw in the following question a challenge:

I have JSON returned from an API like so:

   1: Contacts: [{ GivenName: "Matt", FamilyName:"Berry" }]

To keep things consistent with my code style (camelCase – lower case first letter), I want to transform the array to product the following:

   1: contacts: [{ givenName: "Matt", familyName:"Berry" }]

The catch is that the names of the properties should be converted to the camelcase code style. I pondered about this for a little while, when it kinda hit me in the face. Javascript objects can be handles as arrays.

This allowed me to produce the following script to fix this issue:

   1: var firstToLower = function(str) {
   2:     return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
   3: };
   5: var firstToUpper = function(str) {
   6:     return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
   7: };
   9: var mapToJsObject = function(o) {
  10:     var r = {};
  11:     $.map(o, function(item, index) {
  12:         r[firstToLower(index)] = o[index];
  13:     });
  14:     return r;
  15: };
  17: var mapFromJsObject = function(o) {
  18:     var r = {};
  19:     $.map(o, function(item, index) {
  20:         r[firstToUpper(index)] = o[index];
  21:     });
  22:     return r;
  23: };


   1: // Map to
   2: var contacts = [{
   3:     GivenName: "Matt",
   4:     FamilyName: "Berry"},
   5: {
   6:     GivenName: "Josh",
   7:     FamilyName: "Berry"},
   8: {
   9:     GivenName: "Thomas",
  10:     FamilyName: "Berry"}];
  12: var mappedContacts = [];
  14: $.map(contacts, function(item) {
  15:     var m = mapToJsObject(item);
  16:     mappedContacts.push(m);
  17: });
  19: alert(mappedContacts[0].givenName);
  22: // Map from
  23: var unmappedContacts = [];
  25: $.map(mappedContacts, function(item) {
  26:     var m = mapFromJsObject(item);
  27:     unmappedContacts.push(m);
  28: });
  30: alert(unmappedContacts[0].GivenName);​

Kinda cool I thought, so I decided to share this with you!

Until next time!

PS: I’ll start posting more now. I promise!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bookreview: Head First–Design Patterns

  • 688 pages
  • published October 2004
  • ISBN: 978-0596007126
  • Authors: Eric T. Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates & Kathy Sierra
  • Available here
Looking for a refresh of my knowledge about design patterns, I decided to purchase this book due to its high recommendations.
The book covers the following design patterns in a very big detail ( using the Java language to show code examples ).
  • Strategy pattern
  • Observer pattern
  • Decorator pattern
  • Factory pattern
  • Singleton pattern
  • Command pattern
  • Adapter and Facade pattern
  • Template pattern
  • Iterator and Composite pattern
  • State pattern
  • Proxy pattern
  • Compound patterns
  • Extra overview of less common patterns
This book is just perfect for beginners, but for people with already some knowledge or more, this book start to be a drag pretty soon. The examples and examplecontexts are so simple and everyone of them is explained in more then one way. This leads to a very repetitive reading. I had real troubles keeping my attention to reading through all of it. To be honest I only read the first 6 or 7 chapters, all the other once I “overviewed”, just looking through the definition parts and code examples.
Talking about code examples, as a .NET enthusiast, the Java wasn’t that hard to understand.
Ableit, I would recommend this as a very good introduction into the GoF (Gang of Four) book. That is still on my list, but I’m pretty sure that I would be able to devour that book way easier now.

Monday, January 23, 2012

C# out Parameter–Tuples (Multiple return values)

There will be times when you want to get multiple return values from methods and are to lazy to create a new object for it. Well recently the .NET framework now supports a couple of ways to return multiple values with more ease.
First of all we have the “Tuple” being now available and coming from the F# side of the .NET framework. A tuple is no more then a typesafe way to return a collection of different objects. As an example:

   1: public Tuple<string,int,double> TupleReturn()
   2: {
   3:     //... some DB action
   4:     return Tuple.Create("FirstItem", 1, 500.00);
   5: }

This method return as tuple with the first item being a string, the second an integer and the third a double. To work with this return value we can do the following:

   1: var x = TupleReturn();
   2: var i1 = x.Item1;
   3: var i2 = x.Item2;
   4: var i3 = x.Item3;
   6: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The type of i1 is {0}",i1.GetType()));
   7: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The type of i2 is {0}",i2.GetType()));
   8: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The type of i3 is {0}",i3.GetType()));
   9: Console.ReadLine();

The result will be:

  • The type of i1 is System.String
  • The type of i2 is System.Int32
  • The type of i3 is System.Double

To read more about tuples go to: MSDN (1) or Extended Tuples

The next solution to return multiple is to work with the “out” parameter. This type of method parameter allows for the method to use the same variable as it was passed to it. So in short, any change to the parameter will be reflected to the variable passed to it. Next to this, the method itself can off course still return a normal value.

   1: public string OutReturn(out string name, out string surName)
   2: {
   3:     //... some DB action
   4:     name = "Ferrari";
   5:     surName = "Bently";
   6:     return "are awesome!";
   7: }

The one thing to not about this type of parameter is that is has to be initialized before you pass it to the method! If you do so, you can use it as follows:

   1: string name;
   2: string surName;
   3: var r = OutReturn(out name,out surName);
   4: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} and {1} {2}",name,surName,r));
   5: Console.ReadLine();

Which results into:
Ferrari and Bently are awsome!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Creating a basic Silverlight control–DateItem

When you first start working in Silverlight every control you use is something basic and sometimes you just want more then the basic controls.
The good people of Microsoft allowed us to create custom controls so we can do nearly anything in Silverlight to have great interaction with the user,
thus increasing user experience.
Today I’ll show you one of the first controls I ever made, It was for a small website that needed a nice way to show the date.
They kind of wanted a small calendar style icon.
The result was as following:
In XAML I didn’t have to do more then(NL-BE date format):
<ctrl:DateItem Date="01/02/2012" />
To start of create a new “Silverlight Class Library” and call it for example “CustomControlLibrary.DateItem”:

Rename the Class1.cs file to DateItem.cs ( don’t forget to rename the class itself! ).
Add a new folder called “Themes” and add a new “Silverlight Resource Dictionary” to the folder. Rename that to “generic.xaml”.
This will automatically be recognized by Silverlight.
Open the generic.xaml file and paste the following code inside:
Make sure the xmls:local is referring to your own namespace, shouldn’t you have chosen to make it CustomControlLibrary.DateItem.
We have now the fundamentals for most, if not all custom controls.

  • a resourcedictionary
  • class file
We first want to create our layout of the control so I created the following code:
<Style TargetType="local:DateItem">
Setter Property="Template">
ControlTemplate TargetType="local:DateItem">
Border Width="50" Height="50" BorderBrush="#A0A0A0" BorderThickness="1">
Grid Margin="1">
RowDefinition Height="auto" />
RowDefinition Height="*" />
RowDefinition Height="auto" />
StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="1,1" Grid.Row="0" Background="#DDE2E5">
StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
TextBlock FontSize="9" x:Name="MonthPart" />
TextBlock FontSize="9" Margin="3,0,0,0" x:Name="YearPart" />
Viewbox Grid.Row="1" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
TextBlock x:Name="DatePart"/>
TextBlock Margin="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="9" Grid.Row="2" x:Name="DayOfTheWeekPart" />
What I did here is create a “Style” that should be applied to the “DateItem” control, by overriding the template we can customize the look of our control.
We created a new “ControlTemplate”, with a border inside and a grid to arrange all the values. Very important: setting up the right names for your inner-controls.

This is because we will have to address them from the classfile. I created the following important controls:

  • a textblock (MonthPart)
  • a textblock (YearPart)
  • a textblock (DatePart)
  • a textblock (DayOfTheWeekPart)

Notice that I suffix them with “Part” this will allow easier recognition in the classfile. Talking of which, lets look at that.
The first thing I usually do is make the classfile “Blendable”, meaning it is easier to work with in Blend. I do this by adding the necessary class-attributes:

   1: [TemplatePart(Name = Parts.DatePART, Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
   2: [TemplatePart(Name = Parts.MonthPART, Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
   3: [TemplatePart(Name = Parts.YearPART, Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
   4: [TemplatePart(Name = Parts.DayOfTheWeekPART, Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
   5: public class DateItem : Control
   6: {
   7: }
Also notice I derived from the “Control” class.
By making an innerclass called Parts, it’s easier to work with the different parts. (It’s here that the naming in the resourcefile matters).

   1: public static class Parts
   2: {
   3:     public const string DatePART = "DatePart";
   4:     public const string MonthPART = "MonthPart";
   5:     public const string YearPART = "YearPart";
   6:     public const string DayOfTheWeekPART = "DayOfTheWeekPart";
   7: }
The next thing we need is a property on the object on which we can set our date, either manually or by databinding. This type of properties are dependency properties.

   1: public static readonly DependencyProperty DateProperty =
   2:             DependencyProperty.Register("Date", typeof(string), typeof(DateItem), new PropertyMetadata(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(),OnDateChanged));
   4: private static void OnDateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
   5: {
   6:     ((DateItem) d).UpdateDate(e.NewValue.ToString());
   7: }
   9: protected virtual void UpdateDate(string value)
  10: {
  11:     Debug.Assert(DateTime.TryParse(value, out _date), "Date couldn't be converted to datetime value");
  14:     _day.Text = string.Format("{0:dd}", _date);
  15:     _year.Text = string.Format("{0:yy}", _date);
  16:     _month.Text = string.Format("{0:MMM}", _date);
  17:     _dayOfTheWeek.Text = string.Format("{0:ddd}", _date);
  18: }
  20: public string Date
  21: {
  22:     get
  23:     {
  24:         return (string)GetValue(DateProperty);
  25:     }
  26:     set
  27:     {
  28:         SetValue(DateProperty, value);
  29:     }
  30: }
There we go and we have a dependency property to get our date, with databinding and if the the “Date” property isn’t set, we set it to the current date.
Now to apply our resourcedictionary style template, we must tell the class to override its defaultstylekey, this can be done in the constructor of the class:

   1: public DateItem()
   2: {
   3:     DefaultStyleKey = typeof(DateItem);
   4: }
To link our style controls with the code and apply our date to the right controls, we have to get them out of the template as control objects and apply the date to them.
We do this by overriding the “OnApplyTemplate()” methode.
To support the object we create them as private fields first:

   1: private TextBlock _day;
   2: private TextBlock _month;
   3: private TextBlock _year;
   4: private TextBlock _dayOfTheWeek;
   5: private DateTime _date;

   1: public override void OnApplyTemplate()
   2: {
   3:     base.OnApplyTemplate();
   5:     _day = GetTemplateChild(Parts.DatePART) as TextBlock;
   6:     _dayOfTheWeek = GetTemplateChild(Parts.DayOfTheWeekPART) as TextBlock;
   7:     _year = GetTemplateChild(Parts.YearPART) as TextBlock;
   8:     _month = GetTemplateChild(Parts.MonthPART) as TextBlock;
  10:     Debug.Assert(_day != null, "Date textblock can not be null");
  11:     Debug.Assert(_year != null, "Year textblock can not be null");
  12:     Debug.Assert(_month != null, "Month textblock can not be null");
  13:     Debug.Assert(_dayOfTheWeek != null, "DayOfTheWeek textblock can not be null");
  15:     UpdateDate(Date);
  16: }
In this methode we fetch every part and make an object of it, then for safety I assert those objects to check if they are not "null”. Then we call the “UpdateDate()” method to apply our date.
To learn more about the “out” parameter and optional parameters, I have a new blogpost ready to talk about those ;)
At this point we should have a ready to use DateItem!
Just built it, reference the project and you can use it in other projects.
