Wednesday, October 17, 2012

C# JSON to Javascript object – The camelcase issue


Today I saw in the following question a challenge:

I have JSON returned from an API like so:

   1: Contacts: [{ GivenName: "Matt", FamilyName:"Berry" }]

To keep things consistent with my code style (camelCase – lower case first letter), I want to transform the array to product the following:

   1: contacts: [{ givenName: "Matt", familyName:"Berry" }]

The catch is that the names of the properties should be converted to the camelcase code style. I pondered about this for a little while, when it kinda hit me in the face. Javascript objects can be handles as arrays.

This allowed me to produce the following script to fix this issue:

   1: var firstToLower = function(str) {
   2:     return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
   3: };
   5: var firstToUpper = function(str) {
   6:     return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
   7: };
   9: var mapToJsObject = function(o) {
  10:     var r = {};
  11:     $.map(o, function(item, index) {
  12:         r[firstToLower(index)] = o[index];
  13:     });
  14:     return r;
  15: };
  17: var mapFromJsObject = function(o) {
  18:     var r = {};
  19:     $.map(o, function(item, index) {
  20:         r[firstToUpper(index)] = o[index];
  21:     });
  22:     return r;
  23: };


   1: // Map to
   2: var contacts = [{
   3:     GivenName: "Matt",
   4:     FamilyName: "Berry"},
   5: {
   6:     GivenName: "Josh",
   7:     FamilyName: "Berry"},
   8: {
   9:     GivenName: "Thomas",
  10:     FamilyName: "Berry"}];
  12: var mappedContacts = [];
  14: $.map(contacts, function(item) {
  15:     var m = mapToJsObject(item);
  16:     mappedContacts.push(m);
  17: });
  19: alert(mappedContacts[0].givenName);
  22: // Map from
  23: var unmappedContacts = [];
  25: $.map(mappedContacts, function(item) {
  26:     var m = mapFromJsObject(item);
  27:     unmappedContacts.push(m);
  28: });
  30: alert(unmappedContacts[0].GivenName);​

Kinda cool I thought, so I decided to share this with you!

Until next time!

PS: I’ll start posting more now. I promise!